217 research outputs found

    Smart city services over a global interoperable Internet-of-Things system: the smart parking case

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    This paper presents the implementation of a global smart parking use case that employs data streams coming from two different cities: Santander, in Spain, and Busan, in South Korea. In addition to the geographical distance, what is more important is that the platforms used in each of the cities for exposing their data are different. Santander's data is available through FIWARE-based interfaces while Busan's exposes oneM2M endpoints. The underlying Wise-IoT system used for the field trial, which is briefly described in this paper, addresses the challenge of fragmentation within IoT ecosystems by developing a novel framework to achieve global interoperability and mobility of IoT applications and devices. In this sense, the proof-of-concept implementation presented in this paper serves as a validator of Global IoT Services, enabling transparent user, and applications, roaming between the two cities involved in the pilot.This work has been supported by the European Union's H2020 Programme for research, technological development and demonstration within the project "Worldwide Interoperability for Semantics IoT" under grant agreement No 723156 and by the Institute for Information & communications Technology Promotion (IITP) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT) (No.2016-0-00067, Wise-IoT

    El mercado alternativo bursátil: una oportunidad para Andalucía

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    Este estudio hace referencia a la reciente creación en España del Mercado Alternativo Bursátil (MAB) para empresas en expansión, un segmento del mercado especialmente enfocado a PYMES. Con este trabajo se trata de dar respuestas a numerosos interrogantes relativos al mismo en tres fases sucesivas: En primer lugar: ¿qué son los mercados financieros bursátiles alternativos en general?; en segundo término: ¿cómo va a funcionar el nuestro, el mercado alternativo bursátil español?; y finalmente: ¿cómo son y qué resultados vienen obteniendo otros mercados alternativos europeos similares

    Analyzing the Scientific Evolution of the Sustainable Development Goals

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    Development must balance social, economic, and environmental sustainability; it is for this reason that the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are integrated, in fact, action in one of them will affect outcomes in others. In consequence, research on the SDGs is broad, complex, and fragmented due to the great diversity of disciplines and approaches involved, making it difficult to obtain valuable and unbiased information for future studies. As a result, a comprehensive review of contributions could provide a comprehensive critical perspective. This article applies SciMAT software to analyze the evolution of this field of research through a systematic literature review of bibliographic records on the SDGs and a review based on bibliometric analysis of 10,272 selected records. Additionally, hidden themes and their development in this field from 1990 to 2020 have been identified to produce strategic diagrams, graphs of thematic evolution and performance indicators of the research field in different periods. The results obtained show a constantly evolving scientific field, from its initial focus on the millennium goals to the gradual inclusion of the current SDGs. They provide field experts with a comprehensive overview of the status quo and predict the dynamic directions of future research, serving as a basis for the development of new strategies for the implementation of the SDGs.FEDER/Junta de Andalucía-Consejería de Economía y Conocimiento, thanks to the project “Design of strategists to face the impact of COVID-19 on the compliance with the SDGs in Andalusia”, reference number CV20-0117

    Mejoras en el cálculo de magnitudes rotacionales de macromoléculas

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    The hydrodynamic theory of macromolecular models composed by spherical elements fails to predict the components of ihe rotational friction tensor for a given axis when the, centers of the elements lye on that axis. Generally, for models with few elements whose sizes are not much smaller than the average of the distances between them, the theory leads to erroneous resülts. We have found a way of correcting the results of the original theory by just adding 6Vη0, V being the the macromolecule's hydrated volume and η0 the viscosity of the solvent, fo the diagonal componentes of the friction tensor. To check he performance of his correction, calcuiations have been made for two kirids of models for which exact results are available.La teoría hidrodinámica de modelos macromoleculares compuestos por elementos esféricos falla en la predicción de los componentes del tensor rotacional correspondientes a un eje cuándo los centros de los elementos están sobre el eje. En general, para modelos formados por pocos elementos, de manera que sus tamaños no sean mucho menores que las distancias entre ellos, la teoría da resultados más o menos incorrectos. En este trabajo hemos encontrado una corrección para compensar este defecto de la teoría. La corrección consiste simplemente en añadir un término 6Vη0 a los componentes diagonales obtenidos mediante la teoría original, siendo V el volumen hidratado de la macromoléculas y η0 la viscosidad del disolvente. Hemos comprobado el funcionamiento de la corrección para dos tipos de modelos cuyos resultados exactos son conocidos

    Actual situation of stock markets for small and medium-sized Business in Europe

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    Esta ponencia estudia el papel que juegan los mercados alternativos bursátiles para proporcionar financiación a las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYMES). Para ello analizamos los tres mercados que nos son más afines: el mercado alternativo español, MAB (por razones obvias), y los mercados inglés y francés, AIM y Alternext respectivamente, porque aparte de tener importantes similitudes con nuestro mercado, tanto de funcionamiento como geográficas, llevan unos años funcionando. Los mercados alternativos bursátiles son mercados de valores dedicados a empresas de reducida capitalización que presentan las siguientes características: a) una regulación sencilla y operativa especialmente diseñada para tales mercados; b) tienen un sistema de negociación organizado; c) suelen estar promovidos y controlados por organismos con experiencia (en España está promovido por BME y supervisado por la Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores.); d) orientados a inversores institucionales y particulares; y e) con un régimen de información y contratación y unos costes adaptados a las singularidades de este tipo de empresas. El estudio de dichos mercados desde una óptica teórica y empírica muestra como estos mercados son una fuente de financiación para numerosas PYMES que desean crecer y acometer nuevos proyectos de inversión. En concreto, han sido 2.489 empresas del Reino Unido y 491 empresas extranjeras (procedentes de más de 25 países) las que han formado parte del mercado AIM inglés desde su nacimiento, en junio de 1995, consiguiendo capital en las emisiones realizadas por mas de 55.000 millones de libras esterlinas. De igual forma, a mediados de abril de 2008, 122 compañías formaban parte del mercado Alternext, incluidas 8 compañías de fuera de la zona Euronext (Francia, Bélgica y Holanda), entre las que se incluye la española Antevenio. El capital que han conseguido dichas empresas ha sido superior a los 1.000 millones de euros. Si hacemos una media entre los dos mercados europeos que hemos analizado, el capital conseguido de media por cada empresa que forma parte de los mismos es superior a los 10 millones de euros. Estos datos nos darían idea del potencial de estos mercados a la hora de proporcionar financiación y facilitar la realización de nuevos proyectos de expansión. Finalmente, el perfil de las empresas que han recurrido a estos mercados es muy variado, tanto desde el punto de vista sectorial, de ciclo de vida como del país de precedencia. Este hecho también nos hace pensar que algunas empresas extranjeras, sobretodo latinoamericanas, podrían cotizar en el MAB, como ocurre en el primer mercado bursátil con el segmento Latibex.This paper focuses on the role played by the alternative stock markets to provide financing for small and medium-sized business. To this end, we analyze the three most closest markets: the Spanish alternative market (MAB), for obvious reasons, and the English and French markets, AIM and Alternext, respectively, since apart from having both important functional and geographical similarities with our market, they have been working for several years. A theoretical and empirical study of such markets will give us an idea of the degree of development of these markets and their future

    “Education Network” a new way to teach Chemistry

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    The complexity of chemistry has implications for the teaching of chemistry. That chemistry is a very complex subject. The majority of the students at University think that chemistry is a difficult discipline and they have difficulty in understanding the concepts. Moreover, students' interest in chemistry decreases the first year at university. The reason for this decrease might be that the contents of chemistry laboratory classes are boring, out of date and lacking of dynamism that students experience through visual media tools. For these reasons, new programs and methodologies should be developed. Those are based on making chemistry relevant through problem solving and collaborative learning hold promise for reforming chemistry education. It is about an education according to circumstances, which is adapted to context and virtual behaviour of people. It's time to CRUSH boredom by transforming your classroom into an Escape Room adventure. School-based escape games are a great teaching tool. The students while playing, learn. The most important point is that they won’t realize they’re doing both at the same time. In this work, an educational gamification experience based on the escape room concept was developed. The first (Do It Yourself) DIY Escape Room was built the year before at Mechanical Engineer Degree started, that took more than three weeks of work. It was presented to other professors to the same subject at different degrees. That DIY Escape Room was modified and adapted to each group. Each professor changed the clues, problems and so on in order to orientate the topic as much as possible to their students.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Design and implementation of a cloud-based platform for unleashing the personal and communal Internet of Things

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    Internet of Things (IoT) concept has attracted a lot of attention in recent years and it is foreseen as one of the technologies that will leverage the Future Internet. It is seen as a major enabler of novel applications and services that will foster efficiency and will ease every day´s life. However, current IoT solutions are mainly focusing on the development of centralized solutions that do not promote the democratization of the IoT but rather concentrate the IoT around a set of cloud-based platforms which pretend to be open but limit the capacity of the people to tailor their Personal and Communal IoT. This paper describes a software platform based on available generic enablers as defined by the FIWARE initiative. It extends the existing architecture models to accommodate the requirements stemming from the vision of people-sourced IoT devices which are shared to create applications and services in smart communities where the owners of the shared devices are always empowered to control who, and in which circumstances, has access to the shared information.This work has been partially funded by the research project SOCIOTAL, under FP7-ICT-2013.1.4 (ref. 609112) of the 7th Framework Programme of the European Community. This work has been also supported by the Spanish Government (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, FEDER) by means of the project ADVICE “Dynamic Provisioning of Connectivity in High Density 5G Wireless Scenarios” (TEC2015-71329-C2-1-R)

    Changes in the phenolic content of low density lipoprotein after olive oil consumption in men. A randomized crossover controlled trial

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    Olive oil decreases the risk of CVD. This effect may be due to the fatty acid profile of the oil, but it may also be due to its antioxidant content which differs depending on the type of olive oil. In this study, the concentrations of oleic acid and antioxidants (phenolic compounds and vitamin E) in plasma and LDL were compared after consumption of three similar olive oils, but with differences in their phenolic content. Thirty healthy volunteers participated in a placebo-controlled, double-blind, crossover, randomized supplementation trial. Virgin, common, and refined olive oils were administered during three periods of 3 weeks separated by a 2-week washout period. Participants were requested to ingest a daily dose of 25 ml raw olive oil, distributed over the three meals of the day, during intervention periods. All three olive oils caused an increase in plasma and LDL oleic acid (P,0·05) content. Olive oils rich in phenolic compounds led to an increase in phenolic compounds in LDL (P, 0·005). The concentration of phenolic compounds in LDL was directly correlated with the phenolic concentration in the olive oils. The increase in the phenolic content of LDL could account for the increase of the resistance of LDL to oxidation, and the decrease of the in vivo oxidized LDL, observed in the frame of this trial. Our results support the hypothesis that a daily intake of virgin olive oil promotes protective LDL changes ahead of its oxidation. Olive oil: Oleic acid: Phenolic compounds: LDL: CVD risk CVD is the main cause of death and disability in developed countries 1 -3 . The type of fat consumed can modify the plasma and LDL lipid profile, which is directly related to the growth of atheroma plaque To date, few studies have analysed the effects of sustained olive oil consumption on human LDL composition. The few available data come from short-term studies Materials and methods Study population An in-person screening visit was conducted to ascertain eligibility and obtain baseline data. Forty-two subjects from a religious community were screened for inclusion. Nine of them were ineligible. Thus, thirty-three healthy volunteers, from 23 to 91 years old, with a regular lifestyle and dietary habits * Corresponding author: Dr M. Carmen López Sabater, fax þ 34-93 403 59 31, email [email protected] Abbreviations: CAE, caffeic acid equivalents; FAME, fatty acid methyl esters

    Characterization of an extremophile bacterial acid phosphatase derived from metagenomics analysis

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    Acid phosphatases are enzymes that play a crucial role in the hydrolysis of various organophosphorous molecules. A putative acid phosphatase called FS6 was identified using genetic profiles and sequences from different environments. FS6 showed high sequence similarity to type C acid phosphatases and retained more than 30% of consensus residues in its protein sequence. A histidine-tagged recombinant FS6 produced in Escherichia coli exhibited extremophile properties, functioning effectively in a broad pH range between 3.5 and 8.5. The enzyme demonstrated optimal activity at temperatures between 25 and 50°C, with a melting temperature of 51.6°C. Kinetic parameters were determined using various substrates, and the reaction catalysed by FS6 with physiological substrates was at least 100-fold more efficient than with p-nitrophenyl phosphate. Furthermore, FS6 was found to be a decamer in solution, unlike the dimeric forms of crystallized proteins in its family.Grants from the Ministry of Science through grants from the Plan Nacional 2021 (PID2021-123469OBI00) and Transición Ecológica (TED2021129632BI00) and European Commission projects EJP soils (EJPSOIL862695) and PREPSOIL (HE/CL5SOILM/0102